Fall 2021 Pictures

Ben riding a pony at King Richard's Faire...

...along with Angelina on a horse...

...and Cece on a unicorn

Ben about to try jousting with the dragon

Angelina making her attempt to slay the fell beast

Cece charging ahead...

...right on target!

Cece displaying the certificate of knighthood that she won!

Mom, Cece, and Angelina wearing their flower crowns

Ben trying to climb the "Jacob's ladder"

Angelina showing off her dragon pet

Cece with her color-coordinated dragon

Ben enjoying a ride

Ben having his cousin Nicky over for dinner

The kids setting up the Halloween decorations

Alas, poor Yorick!  I knew him well.

Ben was convinced that the skull decoration was a mask and tried to put it on a few different ways

Ben looking cute in a crawl-through tunnel

Exploring the corn maze in Cumberland, RI

Ben dressed up as Batman for Halloween

Ben ready to go trick or treating

Trick or treating

Cece showing off her My Hero Academia Jiro costume (minus the wig)...

...and ready to go trick or treating with her friends

Anglina in her Vergil Sanders costume...

...and with her friends

The kids raking leaves together in the backyard

Thanksgiving dinner at Boompa's

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