Fall 2020 Pictures

Ben starting classes in his new school...

...and looking like he's having a great time there!

Our new kittens Caligula and Nero taking a nap together under our coffee table

The kitties snuggled up together in bed

Lea and Ben out for dinner in Boston

Ben playing with cars while eating his breakfast

Cece ready to start school

Ben and Jack out for a ride through the park together

Ben climbing in a playground

Lea holding the kitties

Ben looking like he's singing in a musical production

Anglina multitasking her way through her schoolwork

Ben riding his bicycle around the neigborhood with Lea

Cece putting the finishing touches on a batch of cupcakes

Nero watching kitty TV

Caligula looking handsome

Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!

Cece trying to recreate a picture that I took of her when she was a baby

The kittens enjoying the sun

Lea and Ben having fun together at the playground

Ben is excited to find the biggest bottle that he's ever seen

Ben looking handsome over at Boompa's house

Rob and Dominic over for a socially distanced D&D game

Lea holding a very relaxed looking Cal

Cece and Ben riding through the house together

Ben in his dragon costume for Halloween

Out trick or treating together

Ben playing with a plush pokemon

The kittens taking a break from watching the birds to watch me

Cece looking pretty

Ben helping me out with the raking

Cece and Ben snuggling

the Kittens snuggled up together

Thanksgiving dinner!

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